2024 Scorecards – How to Read
Vote & Score Explanation:
Votes are recorded as:
• AYE = Voted in support of the bill.
• NAY = Voted against the bill.
• ABS = Abstained from voting or absent.
Background Colors
• A red background behind a bill number and its description = a bad bill.
• A green background behind a bill number and its description = a good bill.
Ideally, you want your legislators to have votes that are green (AYE) on green (good
bills) and red (NAY) on red (bad bills).
Overall Vote Results
Each vote record is registered as PASS, FAIL, or *.
An * means that the bill did not receive a recorded vote. In that case, “AYE” indicates the legislator co-sponsored the bill, and a “NAY” indicates that the legislator did NOT co-sponsor the bill.
The totals of all the votes on a bill are recorded to the right of “PASS, FAIL, or *.”
They are listed: Ayes/Nays/Abstained or Absent.
To the right of the vote totals is the current disposition of the bill:
• SIGNED = The bill has been signed into law by the Governor.
• VETOED = The bill passed the Assembly and Senate, but the Governor vetoed it.
• ADOPTED = The bill is a resolution, a recommendation by one or both chambers that does not have the force of law.
• PROPOSITION ON THE BALLOT = The bill is a constitutional amendment that must be approved by a majority of the voters at the next election.
• DEAD = The bill received a vote from at least one chamber but did not complete the legislative process.
Biblical Values Score
Each legislator received a Biblical Values Score listed in red to the right of their name and party in the header. The higher the score, the more closely the legislator’s votes are aligned with biblical values. The score is determined by the correct votes (a vote supporting Biblical values; green on green or red on red), divided by the total number of votes, minus one-half the value of a correct vote for every vote marked “ABS.” In some cases, ABS could mean the legislator was absent on the vote\ day. In other cases, the legislator stepped out of the chamber during a roll call to avoid voting. We believe it is a legislator’s duty to register a vote, not abstain. For that reason, each vote recorded “ABS” reduces a legislator’s score by half of what they would have lost if they had voted incorrectly (a vote undermining Biblical values).